“I’m amazed by the new hospice. It’s mind-blowing” 

News and Blog

Bill McCusker was one of the first people to attend an outpatient exercise class at our new hospice. He and his wife Muriel tell us how the classes have helped and he shares his reaction to our new facilities. 

“My cancer came back to haunt me about 18 months ago. I developed a tumour on a nerve in my shoulder which made me paralysed in the arm. Initially I couldn’t even open my hand or raise my hand above my head. 

“I used to be a good golfer, but I had to give up playing which was murderous for me.” 

Initially Bill was referred to the hospice by his oncologist for pain relief. Bill’s wife Muriel remembers his initial reaction:  

“As soon as we walked out of the hospital appointment that day Bill turned to me and said, “It’s not for me, the hospice is not a place I want to be.” But after a few days he considered it because it was just for pain relief. He wasn’t happy about it at first, but he came along and I’ve really seen how it’s helped.” 

Now Bill attends regular exercise classes at the hospice and has seen dramatic improvements in his movement. 

“My mobility has improved a lot thanks to the hospice. I am given exercises by the therapy team to do at home and I really enjoy the classes every Friday. I now have much more movement in my arm.  

“After coming here I’m now able to hold a club again and play golf! I’m nowhere near as good as I used to be, but I’m getting back out there and I’m giving it a go and that’s all down to St Catherine’s. It’s been 150 percent beneficial for me. 

“I am totally amazed by the new hospice. It’s mind-blowing compared to the hospice on Malthouse Road. The gym used to be an office with a few chairs and an exercise bike, but this is much, much bigger. 

“The therapy team have the space and equipment they need now – and they hope to have lots of people joining their classes and they’ll have us running around in there!  

“I’d encourage anyone to come along and join the classes if they’re given the chance. The hospice isn’t a place of doom and gloom, everyone is friendly and I don’t go in with blinkers on. I go in, look around and say hello.” 

Muriel has also seen the positive impact the classes have had on Bill: 

“I’ve seen the difference in him. He looks forward to coming up on a Friday as he knows it’s going to help him keep the arm moving. He’s able to play golf again and sometimes even win a fiver! Without a shadow of a doubt, it’s helped tremendously – he can do an awful lot more than ever before – and I just love getting him out the house!” 

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