Project Progress Update

New Hospice News

Barnes Construction continue to make good progress on our new home. Each day there are between 60 and 100 workers on site from a wide variety of trades.

As of June, the focus has now very much changed from building the structure to fitting it out and preparing the grounds. Both inside and out we can now really see the final features taking shape.

With Barnes allowing great access for visitors throughout the works, we’ve also been able to share the progress with our community. In May we showed nearly 100 visitors around the site and were able to welcome corporate supporters who have helped with planting and provision of equipment.

Importantly, we’ve recently been able to review progress and update our plans for completion. The heat of last summer and our wet winter has meant that we’ve lost a few weeks from the original programme, but aside from this all is going well and we are still on track to move in by the end of year!