St Catherine’s to host Bereavement Café

News and Blog

A Bereavement Café will be hosted in St Catherine’s on Thursday 2 February to help local bereaved carers who are dealing with loss and grief. 

The Good Grief pop-up café is being run by the hospice in partnership with Carers Support West Sussex, which provides support for unpaid carers when they are most in need. 

With space for 16 attendees, the café is free and open to anyone who has lost someone to dementia or any carer or former carer who is bereaved.  

The informal, friendly session will run from 10am to 11.30am and will offer a safe space for conversation and support, facilitated by Carer Wellbeing Workers and St Catherine’s Hospice Carer Support Worker, Stephanie Finch. 

Refreshments will be available, and attendees will be provided with bereavement resources to take away with them. 

Stephanie says: “St Catherine’s is delighted to be working with Carers Support West Sussex to deliver our Good Grief pop-up café. We know how hard it can be to cope with the death of a loved one, particularly after being their carer for months, or even years. We hope this café will provide an opportunity to bring local residents together to help them in their grief, provide support, and meet other people also coping with their own grief journey.” 

Booking for the café is not essential but as spaces are limited if you would like to reserve a place please click here.